Welcome to Waiting for Tulips!

I love gardening. I love digging in dirt. I love growing plants from seed. I love looking in my garden each morning for a sprout, bloom or any sign of progress with a steaming cup of coffee. I love sharing plants with my friends. I love teaching kids about gardening. I love the smell of good compost. I love tulips but can't grow them well in Arizona, so I'm waiting for a day I can .......

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Squash on the Way

This year, I planted some different varieties of squash other than zucchini.  So far, so good.  I have beautiful squash blossoms for color, as well as small squash forming on the vines.  

Butternut Babies

Butternut Squash:  this vine is going to take up a very large area.  I'm not sure I chose the best location for it, so we will have to tread carefully through the covered garden path.   
Teenie Golden Scallopini Squash

If these plants produce like my zucchini did last year, be prepared to receive some on your doorstep.  We'll be making roasted squash, bread, squash tacos, quiche - you name it.  Squash smoothies anyone? 

Sunday, May 20, 2012

All Things Purple

My favorite color in the garden right now is purple.  Check out these purple beauties!

If you don't like to eat artichokes, you can still benefit from planting them in your garden.  Just let the bulb go to bloom, sit back and enjoy.

This garden sits outside my kitchen window.  The little purple flower is Love in a Mist.  I grew these from seed (Botanical Interests) and it has been blooming for almost two months.  This is a MUST for your garden next year.

Another favorite:  Sea Lavender.  I grouped three of these together and love the various shades of purple.  It enjoys partial sun and regular water.  I haven't had much success with lavender in the past, so I'll stick with this variety.  Ooh la la!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Peach Delight

Last weekend I went on the Arcadia Edible Garden Tour.  I have been to these gardens before, but I always learn something new and get great ideas.  Here is what I learned:

  • The Farmyard grows beet greens and Swiss chard in the summer.  Plant in a space with morning sun and afternoon shade.  She also uses a seaweed fertilizer that helps the soil retain moisture during the hot months.  I planted the seeds this morning so my experiment has begun!
  • I want a peach tree.  We recently cut down a dead orange tree and I have been thinking of possible replacements.   I will try the Desert Gold variety as I understand it does well in the low desert.  I sampled some of the tastiest peaches ever from two gardens on the tour and it sealed the deal for me.
  • Grow grapes on an arbor?  Maybe.  This is a possibility for my future arbor in my vegetable garden.  I currently have grapes growing along a wire in between some posts, but thought the arbor would provide better support.  This one at Boho Farm looked so pretty.  The only downfall is that grapes are deciduous so the arbor would be bare for part of the year.

  • Use re-mesh to keep out unwanted critters in your garden or for a shade structure.  Why didn't I think of this?  Re-mesh is great as a support for vines too.   I'm definitely heading to Lowe's today for some remesh for our school garden as we are putting in shade structures tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The Season of Sunflowers

Sunflowers are emerging and/or in bloom in yards everywhere.  There are so many varieties of these beauties so a sunflower garden is a must.  Here are four varieties planted in my garden:

Lemon Queen
Giant Sunflower - up to 8 feet tall
Ooh la la, my latest discovery!
Mexican Sunflower

 My favorite seed source for sunflowers (and just about everything else) is Botanical Interests.  Check out their beautiful selection!  http://www.botanicalinterests.com.