Welcome to Waiting for Tulips!

I love gardening. I love digging in dirt. I love growing plants from seed. I love looking in my garden each morning for a sprout, bloom or any sign of progress with a steaming cup of coffee. I love sharing plants with my friends. I love teaching kids about gardening. I love the smell of good compost. I love tulips but can't grow them well in Arizona, so I'm waiting for a day I can .......

Friday, March 2, 2012

Lesson Learned: Artichoke

Last fall, I moved my artichoke from a pot to my square foot garden.  Little did I believe (although I read) this plant would grow so big.  Check this out:

If you look closely, the plant is in the back corner square of this 4x4 garden.  It's growth has now shaded all 3 adjacent squares so nothing can grow in them.  Moving it again is going to be a big job as these roots are sure to be deep.  I will have to wait until after its bud production later this spring.

The artichoke is a perennial that can grow up to 6 feet in diameter, and 3-4 feet in height.   It needs so much space that it is often used as a landscape plant as opposed to placing it in a garden.  They grow best in sun, in a rich, loose, well-drained soil.

Be sure to consider the FULL growth potential of your plant when choosing its location.  Moving plants is always an option (and one I fully encourage), but it is stressful on a plant to be moved.  If planting veggies in a square foot kit, place your sprawling, high growth veggies on the corners and encourage them to sprawl outward.  Leave a few feet around the perimeter of your square foot garden for growth of plants.  Last summer, I planted squash on a corner and it grew outward about 4 feet!  Tomatoes are tall and will shade adjacent plants so plan accordingly.

Good luck and let's hope this artichoke provides me with some yummy buds!

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