Welcome to Waiting for Tulips!

I love gardening. I love digging in dirt. I love growing plants from seed. I love looking in my garden each morning for a sprout, bloom or any sign of progress with a steaming cup of coffee. I love sharing plants with my friends. I love teaching kids about gardening. I love the smell of good compost. I love tulips but can't grow them well in Arizona, so I'm waiting for a day I can .......

Friday, June 8, 2012

A Gardener's Trunk

At any given time, my car is transporting some type of plant material.  Soil, transplants, seeds, empty pots, bugs, garden tools - you name it.  Most people keep car emergency kits in their trunk.  I keep a garden emergency kit:  clippers, a trowel, extra seeds, empty bags for plants, zip-ties and a couple of my favorite plant reference books.

We are selling our old house and I've been busy propagating as many plants as possible from my beloved gardens of the past.  Yesterday, my trunk was full of transplant treasures:

Look closely and you'll see iris, daylilies, pencil euphorbia and osteospermum.  A good day at the office, indeed!